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My name is Natalie and I 'm excited to be going back to Palestine as a co-anchor this spring. After I graduated from college two years ago, I went on my first team to the West Bank with Michigan Peace Team and instantly fell in love with the people and the land. I always knew I wanted to return, but wasn't sure if it would be a real possibility. Needless to say, when this opportunity arose, I was both surprised and thrilled. It has been great getting to know my fellow team members so far this weekend and I'm encouraged and inspired by their dedication and passion. I can't wait to return to the familiar sights, scents and people of Palestine and am grateful for all those who have made it possible.


Hello, my name is Denise and I am new to MPT, but I am looking forward to traveling to Palestine to do peace work. I am excited about our team and getting to know my team members both this weekend and in the field.

This Saturday some friends are having a party. I am disappointed that I will have to miss it, but they have been kind enough to let me create an MPT display in their front hallway in order to raise awareness about the organization and the situation in Palestine. I hope that this will help us to raise funds for the group to travel. The display includes pictures from Natalie's last trip to the West Bank.

Suzie Q


I'm Suzie Q, returning to Palestine this spring as a co-anchor. I was the last member of MPT in Palestine last fall. I did not really expect to ever go back but the opportunity has presented. I am so pleased to meet my team mates and train in anticipation of returning to to Palestine where I will get to see the friends I made there last fall. To think I told all those loving, gracious people that I would probably never get to see them again. It will be so good to have a cup of tea with them & hear what has been happening in their world since the olive harvest. Keep posteed to learn of our progress!

Spring Team Training

Hello from Lansing!

Denise, Suzie Q, and Natalie met last night to form a team that will travel to the West Bank this Spring. Now we are working for the next few days on team building and nonviolence training at the Michigan Peace Team building where we are living and training together. Following, you will find each of the individual introductions for the members of the 2011 Spring Team.