July 9, 2004 The International Court of Justice at the Hague ruled that the building of the wall was illegal and was an infringement of the rights of Palestinians. http://www.ifamericansknew.org/cur_sit/court-illegal.html
In July 8,2010 an Israeli media center in Jerusalem regretted that only 64% of the wall has been completed after eight years. http://www.jmcc.org/news.aspx?id=1243 Although the separation/apartheid wall construction confiscates Palestinian land, demolishes Palestinian homes, and creates at least 57 check points in the illegally occupied land of Palestine, there is art on the wall. Weekly non violent demonstrations against the Wall by Palestinians, internationals and Israeli activists continue in many villages. And there is art on the wall. http://palsolidarity.org/2010/09/14612/ The art on the wall shows anger and sadness, but also signs of hope.